I graduated from Fine Arts, School of Design and Visual Arts, Georgian College in 2011 where I specialized in printmaking and sculpture. I pursued further studies with Matthew Harris and Claire Benn, textile artists in the UK, Canadian textile artists Sandra Brownlee and Dorothy Caldwell and through textile workshops at The Contemporary Textile Co-op in Toronto. I currently work from my home studio in Peterborough, ON.
Selected Group Exhibitions
The Drawing Show, John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto ON
Hard Twist 13: Thread, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto ON
Hard Twist 12: Yarn, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, ON
Fabrications, Quest Gallery, Midland, ON
Some restrictions may apply, Propeller, Toronto, ON
The Textile Show, Gerrard Art Space, Toronto, ON
Variegated Threads, World of Threads Festival, Queen Elizabeth Park
Community and Cultural Centre, Oakville, ON
Scholarship Exhibition, Georgian College, Barrie, ON
Antonym, Double Doors Studios and Gallery, Anton Mills, Ontario
A Mend, Awkward Gallery, Barrie, ON
100 Prints, Open Studio, Toronto, ON
Scholarship Exhibition, Georgian College, Barrie, ON
Emerging Artists, Millpond Arts Centre, Alliston, ON
Hot Off the Press, Campus Gallery, Georgian College, Barrie, ON
Starting Point, Gibson Centre for Community Arts and Culture, Alliston, ON
ABOVE/BELOW, Site Art Studio, Peterborough, ON
Annual Miniature Show, Cossar Art Centre, Peterborough, ON
It’s All About Me, Kawartha Artists Gallery and Studio, Peterborough, ON